Friday, February 25, 2011

Moab to Grand Junction

This morning, Josh and I went with Chris to Arches National Park so he could show us some of his favorite areas. Though we visited the park yesterday, we didn't venture very far and we didn't do any hikes, so we were excited to actually see the park!

First on our list was Balanced Rock, a famous point in Arches. We also hiked around the North and South Windows.

The Double Arch was really neat, and Josh got lots of awkward photos around them!

We also hiked the Sand Dune Arch, which was Josh's favorite since there was a really neat payoff at the end of the hike.

Bob, from Ogden, had suggested the 3 mile Delicate Arch hike that Josh and I really wanted to do... but unfortunately we ran out of time and just did the 100 yard walk to the Delicate Arch viewpoint. The Delicate Arch is one of the most famous arches; it's on the Utah license plate!

Chris took us to a local restaurant for their famous hamburgers and chili before Josh and I headed to Grand Junction.

We took a neat drive through a canyon to get to Grand Junction. We met our host, Joy, and her four year old daughter. They had to leave for a birthday dinner but we got to play some card games with Joy's daughter; she is so cute!

Josh's high was the Sand Dune Arch hike. Josh's low was the weather: it was a cold day in the desert! My low was how I was feeling... I bought some pseudoephedrine and it made me feel better, though. Josh and I shared the same "ho" for the day: Joy is a very forgetful person, and it was very funny (and awkward!) when she realized that she had forgotten to take her daughter to school that morning. Oops!

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