Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day two in Ogden - Wolf Mountain

Bob cooked us pancakes for breakfast and we headed out to our first day of snowboarding in Utah!! There are three mountains around Ogden and we picked Wolf Creek for our first day because it's the cheapest of the three. It started snowing as we drove up the curvy mountain road, and by the time we got to the parking lot, visibility was very low!

The regular adult tickets are good for 9 AM to 9 PM, so we enjoyed a full day of skiing. It wasn't too cold, but it was like skiing inside of an opaque snow globe... the snow would not stop!! Sometimes you could see the parking lot from the top of the lifts, and sometimes you couldn't see more than 20 feet in front of you.

This was my first time snowboarding in actual powder, and it was amazing. So soft and forgiving! Snowboarding down the runs was extremely quiet and the board parted the powder like water... it was amazing. Also, the mountain was pretty empty... we thought it would be crowded since it's a long weekend, but I guess everyone went elsewhere! This was a very tiny resort, though; only three lifts, but it was more than enough to enjoy the powder :) I barely did any runs on this mountain but I continued practicing on the greens... maybe next time I will actually do more than two runs??

We decided to leave around 8:30 PM... we got into the car....

... and became a little nervous when we realized we could barely see out of the windshield!

It was the absolute most terrifying drive home. At first, I didn't think we would make it out of the parking lot! There wasn't enough traction on the ground to get us going, but eventually we made it on to the highway. We made it part way down the mountain and then Josh pulled into a gas station to wait for a car to follow... I'm so glad he did, too! I definitely think that the car that we followed knew we were nervous because even though he had snow tires he went very slowly and seemed to wait for us after each turn. Unfortunately we saw an accident on our way down the mountain - it didn't look bad but it's scary to know that just drifting on ice can cause a pile-up.

We made it back into Ogden but the driving conditions were not much better in the city. At one point, we were driving down the road in the middle lane and two cars turned into the lanes to the left and right of us at the same time. It was very scary! They drove away as we stopped at a red light in a left turn lane... and then a gigantic snowplow drove by us! It was two crazy events back to back!

We were almost back at the house but we could not make it up the hill that we normally take. Josh had to find an alternate route... there was another hill, and my little car couldn't make it up this one either. We backed into a cul-de-sac, turned around, and tried again... and my car made it up the hill! I really felt like my car gained a personality after that, because it seemed like it wanted to get home just as badly as we did!!

I was cold, tired, and still nervous from that drive, as you can see in this photo...

The snow was still coming down in huge, soft pieces... like big cotton balls! It was so pretty but I definitely prefer to enjoy it from a house window rather than a mountain road.

Josh and I obviously share the same high for today... the snow was amazing! We also had the same low, which was the drive home. It really was awful. My "ho" was feeling that my car really had a personality once it got us home... Josh unfortunately named my car Herman, but I think it is appropriate that it has a name :) Josh's "ho" was being a creep at the top of the lift and waiting for people to ride down with... sometimes they didn't mind but sometimes it was really awkward, especially when they stopped and Josh had to ride off into the bushes.

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